To make a reservation for the Marie Benedict Luncheon, please click on the
Town Meeting on Books button above.
Founded in 1947, the Historical Book Club of North Carolina, Inc. (HBCNC) is a vibrant community of women interested in literature who gather to discuss captivating new books on a wide range of topics. Three times a year, members and guests enjoy lively luncheons centered on a recently published work. Our annual Town Meeting on Books, open to the public, features an engaging presentation by a noted author.
From the 1957 Club Yearbook
In addition to the stimulation and enjoyment the members derive personally from the Club, it is their hope to encourage the production of better literature and a greater interest in reading – things basic in a democracy and in so doing make a contribution to the cultural life of the state and nation. It is also the purpose of the organization to honor established NC authors as well as to recognize and honor new and promising writers. If these objectives are being accomplished in some degree, the organization can feel that its work is amply rewarded.
The Sir Walter Raleigh Award for Fiction is presented by the Historical Book Club (HBCNC) each year for the most significant work of fiction by a North Carolina author.
Contact the Historical Book Club of North Carolina at [email protected]